
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2018

Activity: Matching exercise.

In the following sentences the words in quotation marks represent how certain words or phrases may "sound" in fast speech. Match how they should really be written. Index => In the following sentences the words in quotation marks represent how certain words or phrases may "sound" in fast speech. Match how they should really be written. Matching exercise Match the items on the right to the items on the left.  Check   OK 

Activity: Choose the correct option.

CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTIONlet's practice a little theory Index => CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION let's practice a little theory Quiz Show all questions <=   => Native english's speakers use mechanical speech or natural speech?   ?     mechanical   ?     natural   ?     none of those options In the word "handbag" there is a case of connected speech? Which one?   ?     yes! in assimilation   ?     yes!! in elision   ?     you can use both aspects   ?     no, there's not a case of connected speech What is the way of speech that flows with a rythm and that we can perceive syllables as bumping into each others?   ?     Natural Speech   ?     Mechanical Speech assimilation is a case of connected speech that happens when a phoneme in one word....   ?     causes changes in a sound in a neighbouring word.   ?     is dissapeared   ?     is linked to the next